The Museum at Eldridge Street presents a new exhibition featuring the evocative photographs of Richard Marc Sakols.
Sakols' journey began with a search for his grandmother’s birthplace on Henry Street, leading him to explore the neighborhood's abandoned synagogues. Armed with his Pentax SLR and the Jewish Communal Register of 1917-1918, he documented the changing streets of the Lower East Side, capturing storefronts, synagogues, and everyday scenes. His images reveal the neighborhood at a pivotal moment, when its once predominantly Jewish character was giving way to a broader cultural diversity.
Throughout the run of the exhibition, the Museum at Eldridge Street will offer a series of related public programs and will provide additional content through Bloomberg Connects.
Lower East Side, 1975: Portrait of a Changing Jewish Neighborhood opens on December 3 will be on view through May 11, 2025.
Lower East Side, 1975: Portrait of a Changing Jewish Neighborhood and related programs at the Museum at Eldridge Street are made possible, in part, by the City of New York Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.