November 2017 – February 2018
Historic Sanctuary
“Let There Be Light” was an enchanting, family-friendly exhibition of more than 100 menorahs from the collection of Lori and David Moore and their children. Ranging from traditional to whimsical, this assemblage of Hanukkah lamps is the results of a family collecting tradition that reaches back two decades.
The Moores began buying menorahs annually as a way to provide their son and daughter with a Hanukkah tradition, mirroring other families’ yearly trips to pick out Christmas trees or special ornaments. Over the years, they collected more than 150, many reflecting the interests of the children as they grew. Designs included an American flag menorah, which Mr. Moore bought after September 11, 2001; traditional Hanukkah lamps from around the world; and lamps that take playful forms, including a shoe, a dog and an oversized book of matches. A menorah made from mah jongg tiles was a perfect match for the Museum’s site, which is located in what is now the heart of Chinatown.

The show was accompanied by a pamphlet that included favorite picks from each member of the Moore family. Many of the menorahs hold special memories for each of the Moores.
The exhibition was on view during the time that the Museum conducts its Hannukah programs for school children. Visiting students had were excited to see all the different ways that a Hanukkah lamp could be made. Favorites included a Disney-themed menorah; another featuring the Pokemon character, Pikachu; and several featuring sports such as baseball and basketball.